Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008: Too poor for medical care

Nap time went better. Going to try to put them down earlier again tomorrow.

The saddest thing about medical care in Honduras, Bryan and I have realized is that people don't have money for healthcare when they really need it. There is access ot all kinds of specialist doctors but people can't pay for them. They have to pay up front. People end up dying earlier because they can't get the care they need.

One example is a patient that Bryan had and still has. He is a man with a broken hip-54 years old. He can't work because he can't walk or stand well. he will end up dying early from a blood clot or something else caused from a broken hip. It would cost him about $1000 for the surgery he needs in the city because they don't do that type of surgery at Loma de Luz. He only makes about $800/year and doesn't have family that can contribute. They will try a make-shift procedure to help him since he can't do anything and no one should have to survive with a broken hip. Bryan has been praying for him a lot.

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