Friday, February 27, 2009

hot water is here

We now have a new water heater after many problems with a technician and a plumbing company. We almost got taken advantage of but Bryan was too smart for them. He did have to go a few days without hot water but he made the best of it.

I, on the other hand, enjoyed all the hot water I could get at The Legacy House in Red Wing, MN. I had a great time scrapbooking with friends from Rochester. And I even got my sister-in-law, Chrystine, to come with me for one day. We had tasty food, good conversation and some time to relax. I am not the fastest scrapbooker but I did manage to get 17 pages done. Nothing compared to the fastest one there, Jill, who got over 80 pages done. I don't even dream of doing that many pages. My goal is to do just enough pages to remember the big times in life. I try to fit 2-3 years worth of pages in one book. I love scrapbooking because it helps me remember the good and important times in life. It makes me more of an optimist (which I am not). I love to remember the good times and dwell on them. It helps me appreciate more of what God has given me and blessed me with.

Now I just want some more time to scrapbook. I am only a year and half behind our current lives. My goal is to get within 6 months. I love sharing my scrapbooks with others so if you ever want to find out more about us, just ask to see any of them.

This has been a good week but a full week. I need to get more sleep. I am looking forward to hanging out with family and relaxing the weekend.

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