Sunday, February 3, 2008

thinking mode again

I have a taken a little break from blogging or at least I haven't been blogging as much as I think is healthy for me. I think blogging helps me process things and when I blog that means I am actually taking time to think about life and things that really matter. When I am not blogging that means that I either haven't taken time to think or there seems like there is nothing to make me think; both scenarios are scary.

I am back in thinking mode. There is a song that spurred me back into processing my life. That song is Better Hands Now by Natalie Grant. I am not a big country music fan but this is a favorite of mine because of the lyrics and the momentum of the song. I don't think that momentum is a musical term but that is how I would describe it.

Looking forward to watching the Super Bowl with my boys today. Jaden seems really excited to watch football so we'll see how long he lasts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, really weird--I had that song running through my head as your blog was loading on my computer.
But as for thinking...I suppose that's something I often go from day to do without doing. Hmmm...